Monday, February 9, 2009


Some people have absolutely no consideration at all!! How can people be so self centered, selfish, and rude?!!!! So since I don't have a job yet and my dad wants me to focus on school he told me that for the time being he will pay my half of the utilities so that I can pay off my bill and save up money and not be super stressed about finding a job or having to work full time instead of just part time. So that includes my comcast... phone, internet, AND cable. Anyways to the point... I had some friends over to hang out, see the house, and spend the night about a month ago. Well, I got a phone call tonight from my dad, not mad, but just telling me that he agreed to pay the comcast but that he's not gonna pay for anything ordered on pay per view... so I'm thinking well I watch movies on-demand... did I accidently order something that costs? Then he told me I have to pay him the $15 for the movie... so now I'm like I KNOW I didn't order that... So needless to say when he told me the date it was ordered and all the details... i know EXACTLY who it was and I am not to happy! How rude to order a movie on SOMEONE else's tv WITHOUT asking!!! and what pisses me off even more is that I know I'm gonna be stuck paying for it because they don't even have a job to pay for it and if they do pay for it it will only be because their parents give ME the money because if they gave it to this person I would never get it. It is just plain ridiculous! I just cannot believe the nerve of some people... and then when I confronted him about it he blamed it on his girlfriend... its like come on grow up! If I was at my friends house and Jason ordered something without asking and he wasn't gonna pay for it I would give my friend the money. Man all I can say about this is SOME PEOPLE!!!

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