Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's that time already

It's time to register for classes. For the last few weeks I have been checking and rechecking the course sections at Sac State for the classes I wish to take. I have planned schedule after schedule trying to pick the perfect flow of classes, and just when I think I have figured it out my major advisor informs me at orientation that I should hold off on one of the classes until next semester. Now I have spent the last few days trying to figure out what GE course I should replace it with. Sac State has some additional requirements for GE that I was not able to complete at Delta including a World Civilizations class. I think I have decided I will just take one of those, I have narrowed it down the 2: Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome, but I think I am leaning more toward Greece, I remember studying it in 6th grade and I just loved it... it's too bad I can't find one on the Egyptians, now that would be fascinating!

So tomorrow I get to sign up for my classes! Hopefully I will get all of the ones I planned on. Now I'd better get back to my homework so I can pass all my classes and actually get to take my new ones. =D

1 comment:

tammy said...

Forget the Greeks!!! I vote for the Romans..the colosseum...way cool to stand inside it. It really brought history to life. Amazing to ehar the stories taught by a Roman himself...good luck!!