Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Well it has been quite a while since I have had any spare time to write. I am all moved into the new house in Elk Grove! It is GREAT! I absolutely love it!!! It can be a little lonely living by my self and I am definitely looking forward to Bradley joining me in a few months... But for the time being I am just enjoying the time I have alone. It is such a difference from living in a house with four other people, there is always noise and something going on. I was hardly ever able to have some quiet to my self... even in my room with the door shut I could still hear everyone. What a change now that the only noise I hear now is myself or if I have the TV on.

I had to laugh, I moved out about a week and a half ago and my mom stayed with me the first night to help get everything set up. So the next day we just goof around and I take her home in the evening. On the ride we were making bets about Bradley taking my room over already... I even went as far as to picture Jeremy getting up first thing in the morning and moving Bradley's stuff himself just to have is own room. Well we weren't far off base... when we got there Bradley had all his stuff in my room (it looks much bigger now since Bradley doesn't have NEARLY as much as I had!!! And Jeremy had completely rearranged his room too. Man I feel the love!


tammy said...

You are going to LOVE the quiet time!!!! Of course when Bradley comes just put him in front of the computer if you need quiet time!!!


Unknown said...

sounds like fun. wish we could be there together! Tell the family i said hello. love you!